Bio-Vide : Fallen Leaves Product
This is a my graduation work 2015
at Tama Art University.

・raumPROBE materialPREIS 2016 (Germany) — FIRST PRIZE of category Study
This project explores and represents the precious relationship between human and nature by:
#01: Maintaining the original shape of the natural material,
#02: The biodegradable material that returns to the earth and becomes a new resource,
#03: The uniqueness of the material character that specific season bestows.
The idea behind Bio-Vide project is that how I as a designer could embed the feeling of ‘life’ that we have lost these days in the consumerist culture, with the raw and original characters of living things in a shape of the contemporary products.
The sheet of fallen leaves is made through the process of layering and hot-pressing, and this method can produce the sheet in a variety of thickness. A table and a chair made out of the pressed leaves vividly reminds of us the idea that the material returns to the earth. We can imagine the characteristics of the leaves in each stage of its life cycle, from fresh leaves to when it falls to the ground (and finishes its life).